Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Song

I remember one of the song,
here are some lyrics of it.......

" You must not know about me
You must not know about me
I could have another you in a minute
Matter fact he'll be here in a minute ...."

" So since I’m not your everything
How about I'll be nothing
Nothing at all to you
Baby I wont shead a tear for you
I won't lose a wink of sleep
Cause the truth of the matter is
Replacing you is so easy................ "

this song talk about how a woman thinks that
she can replace her bfso easily,
you can see the lyric

" i could have another you in a minute.."

anyway,i like this song..
your life do not depends on your love story..
but your love story depends on your life.......
Does anybody knows who sing this song ?????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sebenarnya siapa pun entah cowok entah cewek selalu menginginkan dirinya sebagai sosok manusia yg kuat, termasuk dalam "menghadapi" cinta, seperti diwakili lirik " i could have another you in a minute.."...
ada sebuah tulisannya rendra yg cm saya inget penggalannya, satu saat menginspirasi ketegaran dalam mengelola perasaan, termasuk memandang "cinta" itu sendiri:

potret wanita tidak ada di sini
potret itu hanya ada di hati kami
itu pun kabur dan banyak sekali