Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Summary : uang, money, duit, dollars
Details : makes everything easier

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Monday, August 25, 2008


Like anyone would be
I am flattered by your fascination with me
Like any hot-blooded woman
I have simply wanted an object to crave

But you, you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Must be strangely exciting
To watch the stoic squirm
Must be somewhat heartening
To watch shepherd need shepherd

But you you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Like any uncharted territory
I must seem greatly intriguing
You speak of my love like
You have experienced
love like mine before
But this is not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

I don't think you unworthy
I need a moment to deliberate

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Dear friends....

Hey i lost my mood today?
Does anybody seen it?
or maybe it split out, behind the wall,

Nobody Cares right?



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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bicarakan hujan

Tapi apa yang kau nanti dari langit yang memerah
bila angin hanya ingin bicarakan hujan....?
Sent Items 18.08.08 - 18:08 pm

Angin tak sedang membicarakan hujan
Tapi ia bercumbu,
Lalu kan kutunggu sampai percumbuan selesai
Hujan hanya rindu kepada angin
Karena kemarau lama memisahkannya
Inbox 18.08.08 - 18.17 pm

Hujan telah selesai bercumbu disini
Ia tumpahkan birahinya kepada bumi
Sementara angin masih membisiki alam
Dengan gairahnya
Sent Item 18.08.08 - 18.35 pm

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom...

Dear you....

Thank you for Giving us such a great inspirable mother.
Thank you for every pleasure you've been given for her.
Thank you for every efforts that she has giving in.
She is truly a wonderful mom.....
I hope that this coming year will give her all the best things,
She deserve for all of the great things in this world,
Happy Birthday mom's

we love you....
we always will...
we always do...

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

2nd Poetry

Aku Tak Mau Tahu

Ketika kau bisikkan kata - kata penuh rindu di telingaku
Aku tak mau tau. . .

Ketika rindu itu telah melabuh
Melabuh bercampur haru
Aku pun tak mau tau. . .

Akhirnya kau biarkan rinduku dan rindumu menyatu
menyatu menjadi batu
Aku pun tetap tak mau tau. . .

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Aku adalah angin...
yang bertiup - tiup ditubuhmu
tanpa kau rasa hembusannya,

Aku adalah api...
yang membara berjelaga
tanpa kau kecap hangatnya,

Aku adalah hujan...
yang berderai sepanjang hari
tanpa kau dengar perciknya,

Aku adalah panah...
yang terlepas dari busur
tanpa kau tahu arahnya,

Aku adalah diam..
yang terbungkam membisu
tanpa kau tahu maknanya,

Palembang, August, 13, 2008
Artika sari
23:00 pm : a lil bit insomnia tonight

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Friday, August 08, 2008

People Should Stop Smoking Why?

Cigarette smoking is perhaps the worst thing you could do to your body. There have been a variety of studies that show that smoking shortens your life by six minutes for every cigarette you smoke. When you think about this in terms of packs a day, you are shortening your life by two hours for every pack of cigarettes you smoke. That is quite a sacrifice to make just for smoking.

Another reason to quit cigarette smoking is that it is expensive. Cigarette prices are always on the rise as more and more sin taxes are added. In states such as New York, one pack of cigarettes can cost more than seven dollars. If you add up all of that money, a pack a day smoker could save more than two thousand dollars a year if he or she quit smoking.

Cigarette smoking individuals are also twice as likely to have heart attacks than non-smokers. They are also five times as likely to die from these heart attacks than those who do not smoke or who quit smoking at a young age.

Cigarette smoking stops circulation in some individuals, and this can lead to stroke. In fact, smokers are five times more likely to suffer strokes than non-smokers. This is especially dangerous if you are taking birth control pills, as the risk for stroke is even greater, especially if you are over the age of thirty.

The most dangerous part of cigarette smoking, however, is what it can do to your lungs. Smoking is leading cause of lung cancer in the world. Though non-smokers can also get lung cancer, smokers greatly increase their chances beyond those of non-smoking individuals. Smokers are also at risk for developing emphysema, an incurable breathing disease.

Though cigarette smoking causes some irreversible damage, there is good news for those who decide to quit smoking. It only takes ten years after you quit smoking before you lungs return to normal. This means that if you quit smoking now, you can have a new lease on life within ten years. In addition, the immediate effects of quitting smoking are even more exciting.

well......... are u ready to quit smoking ????????

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

About coffee and cigar

More specifically, most individuals consumed coffee and approximately drank more than four cups per day.

The most common reasons were because of coffee's stimulatory effects: feeling better, better concentration, greater alertness.

I found it interesting that coffee contains a lot of psychoactive substances, in addition to caffeine.

well do u coffeelover????

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